Sunday, October 6, 2013

Historical Men & WomCHIN

Let's start with the father of evoluCHIN, Charles DarCHIN, in 1859 he published one of the most groundbreaking books of all time, The OriCHIN of Species

 Another famous author, Jane AusCHIN, wrote books about true love and devoCHIN.

Poor CHINcent Van Gogh, he was so obsessed with his cousCHIN that he chopped off his own ear.  Talk about an over-reacCHIN.

CHINopatra, the EgyptCHIN queen of the Nile.

Poor Marie CHINtoinette, lost her head in the French RevoluCHIN in 1793.

George WashingCHIN is another figure made famous by RevoluCHIN.  

And finally, Abraham LinCHIN.  He succeeded in the aboluCHIN of slavery. 

I mean, she gave birth Jesus, as a virCHIN, riiiiight...

Benjamin FrankCHIN, this is the guy who signed the DeclaraCHIN of CHINdependence!

Aren't these guys CHINspirational?

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