It started innocently enough with my sister and I trying to see how many chins we could make in our snapchat photos. When a friend sent me a snap that read "to chinfinity and beyond," it morphed into something so much more. Below is the first CHINfinity drawing I created, inspired by that snap from my friend S.D.
I try to incorporate CHINz into as many things as I can imagine, from actors, musicians, movies, books, presidents, super heroes, animals, and even inanimate objects. Some are a bit more intricate than others, but all are equally near and dear to my heart. I know some snaps may come off as a little tasteless (ex. Osama CHIN Laden) or even offensive at times (apologies to any Christians out there, the VirCHIN Mary has made a couple of appearances), but I promise, it is all meant to be in good fun.
I try to update the blog at least once a day, some posts may have repeats of earlier snaps but only when they fit into more than one category. I like to keep things as up-to-date as possible and hope to continue bringing you CHIN snaps until I can't think of anymore!
The ultimate goal of CHINfinity is to make people smile, and I hope that the photos on this blog can bring a smile to your face!
Some fun CHINz that will appear on the blog (besides mine) are
the lovely S.D. who inadvertently started this craziness
and the always hilarious L.S.
All photos and artwork are mine unless otherwise stated, I will not use the snapchat usernames of my friends to protect their privacy but I do encourage submiCHINz and would love to see your chin snaps! Feel free to email me with submiCHINz or questCHINz at
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