Thursday, October 31, 2013

Last minute cosCHINs

So not everyone loves Halloween as much as my sister and I do so I know some of you may need last minute costume ideas. Well why not incorporate CHINz into your costume?!?!?

Below are some ideas for simple fun cosCHINs. 

CapCHIN Jack Sparrow:
Dirty hair, a red bandana, copious amounts of guy liner, and an empty bottle of rum.

The Avengers are still pretty cool right? What's easier than the CHINcredible Hulk?
Green face paint + purple shorts + unintelligible growling = HULK!

Little Red CHINning Hood:
Wrap yourself in a red towel and run around saying "my what CHINz you have" to everyone at the party.

Happy CHINoween everyone!


Just wishing everyone a fun and CHINtastic CHINoween! Sorry for the hiatus in chin posts, I've been working like a crazy person lately. Hope you enjoy the following spooky CHINz...


Dr. CHINkyll and Mr. Hyde



The CHINclops


And of course a what would CHINoween be without a PumpCHIN?!?

Monday, October 14, 2013

Saturday Night CHINz

Oh my GAWD, I am watching SNL and this happened...

Taran Killam, marry me please?

Wizard CHINz

This Sunday, I will be going to heaven, I mean the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. I am so excited hence, wizard chinz...


AlbCHINs Dumbledore

And DolorCHINs Umbridge

CHINny Weasley

And trust me, there are more to come. 


Got some of my first guest submiCHINz from a lovely kappa sistah, C.C. 

Carly Rae JepCHIN 

And Gene CHINmons

Want to be featured on chinfinity? Send submiCHINz to!

Classic CHINsterpiece

Clearly not as attractive as Scarlette Johansson's portrayal but I'm pretty pleased with myself on this one. I give you Johannes Vermeere's "Girl with the Pearl CHINring"

Another CHINsterpiece, the "Mona CHINa" by Leonardo da CHINci

Sunday, October 13, 2013

BreakCHINg Bad

Well, it's official, I'm addicted to Breaking Bad. It's on netflix and I've made it into the 2nd season. In honor of Walter White I made a BreaCHINg Bad chinz. 


Happy Founder's Day to all my lovely Kappas out there. Missing the gorgeous girls of the Delta Zeta chapter right now!

SusCHIN Burley Walker

Martha Lou StevenCHIN 

Mary "CHINny" Moore Stewart

Anna Elizabeth WillCHINts

Hannah CHINnette Boyd

And Mary Lou BennCHINt

Rocking my KKG headband, really really really missing my Kappas right noooooow.  

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Even More 'MuriCHINz

I'm damn proud to be an AmeriCHIN, here's the proof.

I envision this bro cheering to the news that we got Osama CHIN Laden

Sorry I'm not sorry. 

Where would we be without George WashingCHIN? (By L.S.)

Abraham LinCHIN

Benjamin FrankCHIN

The DeclaraCHIN of CHINdependence

And Hillary ClinCHIN


I only made one chin snap yesterday but it's pretty fun, CHIN City!! I learned how to do black and white and now there's a whole new batch of chinz I'm thinking up!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

RandCHINz October 10, 2013

Sometimes my snaps just don't fit CHIN anywhere else!

Where in the world is CarmCHIN Sandiego?

LisCHINth Salander, the Girl with the DragCHIN Tattoo

The TermCHINator


Everyone's favorite food? BaCHIN!

Star CHINz

I think one of my favorite film series of all time has got to be Star Wars. As proof...

CHINcess Leia

Queen AmidalCHIN 

Qui-gon CHIN (and yes, I know he didn't say "these are not the droids you're looking for")


And the Millennium FalCHIN

Disney CHINz Part II

I am quite literally obsessed with Disney and my snaps tend to reflect that, so that being said, here are some more Disney characters...

CapCHIN Hook

The SulCHIN of Agrabah

Snow White and the SevCHIN Dwarves

The lovely CHINpunzel

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

CHINtastical Beasts

Today I snapped some pretty CHINtastical creatures including

CHINg Kong

And a ferocious dragCHIN!

The terrifying KrakCHIN